Saturday, January 31, 2009
Italians and Europe...
Any professional women in Science and Engineering out there?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Call for Participation: Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Hello All,The 9th Annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) has opened its Call for Participation. The submission deadline is March 16, 2009.For more information, follow this link:
New interesting movie coming on IMAX Cinema at Ontario Science Centre
Journey to Mecca tells the story of a young scholar, who leaves Tangier in 1325 on an epic and perilous journey, travelling alone from his home in Morocco to reach Mecca, some 3,000 miles to the east.
lbn Battuta is besieged by countless obstacles as he makes his way across the North African desert to Mecca. Along the route he meets an unlikely stranger, a highwayman, who becomes his paid protector and eventual friend.
During his travels he is attacked by bandits, dehydrated by thirst, rescued by Bedouins and forced to retrace his route by a war-locked Red Sea. lbn Battuta finally joins the legendary Damascus Caravan with thousands of pilgrims bound for Mecca for the final leg of what would become his 5,000 mile, 18 month long journey to Mecca.
When he arrives in Mecca, he is a man transformed. We then experience the Hajj as he did over 700 years ago and, in recognition of its timelessness, we dissolve to the Hajj as it is still performed today by millions of pilgrims in some of the most extraordinary and moving IMAX® footage ever presented.
lbn Battuta would not return home for almost 30 years, reaching over 40 countries and revisiting Mecca five more times to perform the Hajj. He would travel three times farther than Marco Polo.
His legacy is one of the greatest travel journals ever recorded. A crater on the moon is named in his honour.
An SK Films Release in association with National Geographic of a Cosmic Picture Film.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Multilingual Culture and Heritage Internet Search System Developed
ScienceDaily (2008-12-30) -- European researchers say they are pushing online culture and heritage research way beyond Google by using a smart search system that is multilingual, multimedia and optimized for cultural heritage. Better yet, this promising system has wide application in other fields.