Hmmmm, well that was a surprize! oh, I thought it was a joke- seriously, but apparently its not!
I mean, as much as he is liked by most people in comparison to his predecessor, where are the "solid" actions that deserve such an honor? Or was it because of the endless hours spent in academia?
Better yet, maybe that prestige associated with the nobel prize is a joke too! Truly, I had much more respect for that prize before :-<
I also wonder, if this "prestigious" prize is given based on words, I can think of many people whom I personally know to make a difference in this world, whose intentions are sincere and efforts to make this world a better place go unnoticed. If the criteria is that the nominee has to be famous at a universal level - then let's give it to a person like Amitabh Bhachchan - seriously! At least he has pleased millions of people around the world for many many many years, and his efforts to help others are tangible. (I have much respect for this actor, but I am sure there are many others who are very worthy. He just came to mind as an example).
Well - two important lessons to be learnt: whatever you do, do it for yourself first, not for the honor you may receive after; and second: things don't necessarily mean what they seem to be...
I guess to be fair, Obama did seem sincere and humble when talking about it.
In arabic we have a saying "Elli Yeaish Yama Yeshoof"!
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